Chan Pui Kei Chloe (陳佩琦)

Chan Pui Kei Chloe 陳佩琦 graduated from Good Hope School where she earned the reputation of "flying" female in athletes. Her major disciplines are 100 metres, 200 metres & 4x100 metres relay. She is currently a 3rd year BA student at Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Since 2015 she has represented Hong Kong in Asian and World-class competitions and won numerous awards. In 2020, she had the honour of being a commentator in track and field events in the Tokyo Olympic games for Hong Kong Cable TV. On a more personal side , Pui Kei can be described as a veritable "cat slave" keeping 4 cute cats at home.

  • 2023 Asian Games Hong Kong Representative
  • 2021 Summer World University Games Hong Kong Representatives
  • 2023 National Athletics Championships
    • 400m Relay - 45'17 (Breaking the 12 years Hong Kong record)
  • 2021 The 14th National Games Xian Hong Kong Representative
  • 2019 100M Women's Junior Rank 3 - 12’15
  • 2019 200M Women's Junior Rank 1 - 25’35
  • 2018 Jakarta Asian Games 4x100m HK Representative (8th place)
  • 2018 The 18th Asian Junior Athletics championships Japan
    • 100m  (4th place)
    • 200m (5th place)
    • Medley Relay 2nd Runner-up
  • 2018 100M Women's Overall Rank 2 & Junior Rank 1 - 11’92
  • 2018 200M Women's Overall Rank 1 Junior Rank 1 - 24’57 
  • 2017 The 2nd Asian Youth Athletics Championships
    •  100m 1st Runner-up (Record of the competition)
    • 200m 1st Runner-up (Record of the competition )
    • Medley Relay 2nd Runner-up
  • 2016 The 17th Asian Junior Athletics championships Vietnam 
    • 100m 1st Runner-up (Hong Kong Junior Record)
    • 4 x 100m 2nd Runner-up (Hong Kong Junior Record)
  • 2016 100M Women's Overall Rank 1 & Junior Rank 1 - 11’85 
  • 2016 200M Women's Overall Rank 1 & Junior Rank 1 - 24’96
  • 2015 All China Youth (age 14-15) Athletics Championships
    • 100m 1st Runner-up
    • 200m Champion
  • 2015 100M Women's Overall Rank 1 & Junior Rank 1 - 11’89
  • 2015 200M Women's Overall Rank 1 & Junior Rank 1 - 24’90
  • 2014 100M Women's Overall Rank 8 Junior Rank 3 - 12’48
  • 2014 200M Women's Overall Rank 7 Junior Rank 4 - 25’84

陳佩琦破200米紀錄 冀德望奪女子組全場冠軍

德望陳佩琦又破紀錄!贏埋A Grade100米

德望女飛人陳佩琦威盡全場 狂擸三金兼破三紀錄

陳佩琦抱恙缺賽200米 明日力戰100米

學界精英田徑賽 德望陳佩琦抱病照贏一百米

田徑亞少賽 「德望女飛人」陳佩琦百米跑獲銀牌

亞少田徑賽 陳佩琦女子二百跑奪銀 破個人最佳時間

【全運會】經歷世少洗禮 陳佩琦「頹完」再上路

【學界D1田徑】初賽女甲百米跑12秒46 陳佩琦放眼亞青

【港九學界D1田徑】殺入女甲200米決賽 德望陳佩琦:練習200米催谷後勁

【港九學界D1田徑】低谷過後再起飛 德望女飛人陳佩琦蟬聯「三金后」

【亞運】由學界賽場「升呢」到亞運舞台 陳佩琦:感覺好神奇!

【亞運】與韋永麗同場卻失釘鞋影響表現 陳佩琦:都怪自己大意

【亞運】香港隊殺入女子4×100米接力決賽 陳佩琦:本身都覺得可以跑到45秒

【亞運】接力決賽前夕「失眠」﹗ 陳佩琦:興奮得睡不著

【學界D1田徑】運動會DSE雙重煩惱 陳佩琦:最掙扎的一屆

【學界D1田徑】陳佩琦領軍德望4×100初賽即破紀錄 師妹:有她在接力隊很安心


體學界|擔任助教鋪路有口碑 葉啟德教練讚佩琦人緣好

SPORTUNES 運動達人 第486集: 香港田徑代表 陳佩琦

體學界|短跑美少女陳佩琦重新出發 2022年誓闖杭州


我的名字・陳佩琦|別讓學界成為生涯巔峰 百米女飛人的成長記  

【大專田徑】陳佩琦受傷100米決賽敬陪末席 寶貴一課悟休息重要性


香港女飛人陳佩琦克服傷患與信心危機  冀望世大運再創PB


陳佩琦TVB 體育新世界專訪  

陳佩琦, 梁筠宜, 尹詩慧 x YouTube頻道 JFFT 成員【屈臣氏網店8.8購物大作戰】綜藝節目《體能之臣》


亞運直杭|香港田徑隊目標衝擊獎牌 |杭州亞運|港隊|田徑| 梁筠宜 | 陳佩琦 | 江俊淇 | 李紫桃 | 羅芷元 |HOY TV |HOY|HOY77

陳佩琦Soonnet 尋寶網專訪

BBOLD 陳佩琦傷患恢復 再戰接力賽狀態佳

陳佩琦HOY杭州亞運獨家訪問, 盼繼續進步 克服低潮重新出「髮」


短跑女將陳佩琦、女足運動員郭靖雯TVB J Sport訪問

【體壇集結強大人】香港女子短跑運動員陳佩琦 Part 1

【體壇集結強大人】香港女子短跑運動員陳佩琦 Part 2

【體壇集結強大人】香港女子短跑運動員陳佩琦 Part 3